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Chapter 1
21-39: English – from Him as doctor
40-45: English - from Him as someone open to all
Chapter 2
1-12: German - from Him as the son of Man
1-12: Dutch + Russian - als from Him as someone who forgives sins / guilter
3-12: Bulgarian - Jesus from Him as doctor
17: German - Jesus from Him as doctor
23-28: English - from Him as the son of Man
23-28: Ukrainian – from Him as a pilgrim
Chapter 3
13-17: German - from Him as legislator
20-35: Portuguese - from Him as the accused party
31-35: German - from Him as someone open to all
Chapter 4
26-34: German = English = Polish = French = Portuguese = Spanish -from Him as a pilgrim
Chapter 5
21-43: French - from Him as doctor
Chapter 6
1- 6: Spanish – from Him as the accused party
30-44: Hungarian - from Him as preacher
53-56: Czech – from Him as doctor
Chapter 7
1-8, 14-23: Czech - from Him as someone who debates with theologians and scribes
24-30 - German = English = Polish = French -=Portuguese - from Him as doctor
31-37: Portuguese + Swedish + Czech - from Him as doctor
Chapter 8
27-35: Dutch - from Him as Christ the Anointed
27-32: French + Spanish - from Him as Christ the Anointed
34 - 9,1: Bulgarian - als Thearapeut
35: Bulgarian - als Thearapeut
Chapter 9
2-9: Portuguese – from Him as the Son of God
2-10: Polish - from Him as the Son of God
9: Russian - from Him as the son of Man
14-29: Czech – from Him as the Son of God
24: Bulgarian - Jesus from Him as doctor
30-32: Vietnamese - from Him as the son of Man
30-37: Portuguese - from Him as Christ the Anointed
38-41: Swedish – from Him as Christ the Anointed
41: French - from Him as preacher
Chapter 10
2-12: Portuguese -from Him as judge
13-16: French - from Him as therapist; Czech - für alle offen
17-30: French - from Him as a manager of funds
35-45: Hungarian - from Him as the son of Man
46-52: Portuguese - from Him as someone who excludes no one
46-52: Spanish – from Him as doctor
Chapter 11
7- 9: English - from Him as pacifist
15-26: English - from Him as the accused party
Chapter 12
28-34: German = English = French = Portuguese - from Him as someone who debates with theologians and scribes
28-34: Ukrainian – from Him as legislator
28-44: English + Polish - from Him as someone who debates with theologians and scribes
41-44: Dutch + Ukrainian - from Him as a manager of funds
44: French - from Him as a manager of funds
35-37: German= English = Polish = French = Portuguese = Spanish - from Him as David's son
38-44- German + Portuguese - from Him as a manager of funds
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
1-45: Czech – from Him as the accused party
3-6+9: English - from Him as a manager of funds
13-21: French - from Him as the Son of God
20-21: German - from Him as one who has been convicted
43-52: Bulgarian - from Him as one who has been betrayed
61- Dutch - from Him as the accused party
61-64 + 15,39 - English - from Him as the accused party
66-72: Portuguese - from Him as one abandoned by all
Chapter 15
1-5: German + Hungarian - from Him as the accused party
1-19: English - from Him as one who has been convicted
16-37: German - from Him as one abandoned by all
Chapter 16
1-8: Portuguese + Portuguese - from Him as The Risen One