Counting Down to the Christmas Revolution - Sermon on December 9, 2012 by Don Pucik on
Keywords: blasphemy? C. S. Lewis, the centurio, Jesus - "Son of Man", the Incarnation–God becoming flesh– is a major hindrance to Christianity, Christians have died for their faith in the last 100 years
«Some of the people said, “He drives out demons by the power of Beelzebul, the chief of the demons» - by Fr. Josep PAUSAS i Mas (Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Spain) on October 8, 2021 on
Keywords: the Devil; we tend to ignore the right other people; lives cloistered in a political, cultural or ideological bigotry; create, amongst ourselves, a climate of tolerance and mutual respect
The Sanhedrin – The Cruelty Of Injustice - Sermon by Eduardo (Eddie) Fernandes, Riverside International Church, Portugal, on Jun 9, 2020 on
Keywords: Life is harsh; leran from Jesus, He faced opposition; the Sanhedrin, when God begins transforming us our lives stand in stark contrast to the ways of the World; God is in control, we must persevere, take courage, reflect on the times in our lives where we faced injustice
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