Press release
Launch of the Decade of Resurrection
In 10 years, 2033 marks 2000 years since
the resurrection of Christ
Since 2007, the organization JC2033 has mobilized churches
around the world to celebrate the 2000th anniversary of the
resurrection of Christ. Ten years from the event, JC2033
launches a decade of resurrection.
Lausanne, April 6, 2023
The countdown is on. In just ten years, Easter in the year 2033 will mark 2000 years since the resurrection of Christ. The JC2033 Association is launching a decade of resurrection, to prepare for the event.
Based in St-Prex in Switzerland, JC2033 has been promoting since 2007 the idea of a planetary celebration of the 2000 years of the resurrection of Christ. Its founder, Olivier Fleury, is convinced that “the celebration of this event deserves special attention. It is an opportunity, in a largely secularized time, to draw attention to the death and resurrection of Christ, the heart of the Christian faith”.
Olivier Fleury does not imagine a single event. “The goal is for each Church and community to mark this anniversary in a visible way in the public space. If possible, together!
Popes, archbishops, and pastors.For 16 years, Olivier Fleury has travelled the world to raise awareness among leaders of different Christian denominations. He is assisted by a team and a hundred “ambassadors” in around thirty countries. He met Pope Francis as well as Coptic Pope Tawadros. TheOrthodox Patriarch of Constantinople was visited as well as many Protestant and Evangelical pastors. Also, the Archbishop of Canterbury and several leaders of world communions of churches, as well as leaders of the World Council of Churches.
All are convinced of the need to put the risen Christ at the centre of the faith and discern the unique opportunity to bring together the 2.4 billion Christians for this Jubilee anniversary.
JC2033 approached them with always the same message: "Whatever the chosen form, let's prepare now the festivities of the 2000 years of the resurrection of Christ!" »
JC2033 imagines here joyful and festive marches, there large gatherings in stadiums, there festive tables open to all, there again, gatherings in complete discretion of Christians who do not dare to display their faith in certain countries where they risk persecution.
Decade of resurrection
Easter 2023 marks the start of the resurrection decade. "The idea is to unite us, to testify and to celebrate", explains Olivier Fleury, director of JC2033. “We propose that during the first seven years (2023-2030) the churches be called to meet, to forgive each other and to heal their wounds in order to prepare a common witness to Jesus Christ. Then, from 2030 to 2033 we want to make known the earthly and public ministry of Jesus. And finally, for the Easter season in 2033, we hope for events in all countries, in all major cities, in all villages. It is possible that this will be the biggest party ever organized on earth. »
Olivier Fleury wrote two books around the 2000 years of the resurrection of Christ. "So the world will know!" » an autobiography telling how he received this intuition. This book is now translated into 16 languages (including Arabic, Russian, Spanish, Nepali, Urdu or English...). And a novel called “En Route pour 2033”.
For more information, contact Olivier Fleury, (
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