The 'Importune' Blind Men" - Sermon by Pastor Greg Allen in February 3, 2008 at Bethany Bible Church on

 Matthew 20:29-34 

Keywords: a old blind men, "importunity", they called Him "the Son of David" (a Messianic title); religious people, Jesus asked, we should never be ashamed to admit how disparately we need Jesus; "...when they finally see how much their soul has been crippled by sin, that we're very happy to recommend Jesus to them as the greatest "crutch" a crippled soul can ever lean on."

Tough Questions - Sermon by David F. Sellery is the Priest-in-Charge at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Salisbury, Connecticut on

 Matthew 22:34-40 

Keywords:  tough questions; Pharisees: Nazarene bumpkin, two thousand years later: the brilliance and the brevity of these essential concepts of Christianity are still breathtaking;  Son of David? Jesus - the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of God;  "In him our lives have meaning and direction."

«David himself calls him [the Messiah] Lord» - Fr. Josep LAPLANA OSB Monk of Montserrat (Montserrat, Barcelona, Spain) on Juin 4, 2021 on

 Marc 12,35-37 

Keywords: The title of “Son of David”; Jesus is not only the son of David, but also the Lord; ..."He already exerts now his lordship over all men that address him with Love and in Trust."


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