This, Therefore, That - Sermon by Pastor Robin Fish on19th Sunday after Trinity in the Cross Lutheran Church  Laurie, MO on

 Matthew 9:1-8 

Keywords: the principle that argues from the lesser to the greater; many Protestants look askance at our confession and absolution; "Jesus forgives us first, and then He heals us."; John 20:22:23; "the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins"


Rest in Peace A - a sermon by Pastor Rob Guenther, Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, 47585 Ciechanski Road, Kenai, AK. USA on

 Mark 2:23-28 

Keywords: peacefully in my sleep, to rest in peace, "...the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath" visit Israel in 2008; the Pharisees = we; the requirements haven't changed;


Breaking Down Barriers - Sermon by Kevin Ruffcorn,  Desert Streams Lutheran Church, on Feb 1,2017 on

  Luke 6:1-11 

Keywords: A gift: a sweater; if it is not used correctly or is not used at all is a sad thing; the gift: the Sabbaths, the "Son of Man" is Lord of the Sabbath; part of Judaism's identity, the Pharisees were sincere, religious people; a life changing experience


«You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come» - by Fr. Josep Lluís SOCÍAS i Bruguera (Badalona, Barcelona, Spain) on

 Luke 12,39-48 

 Keywords: each person is an administrator; we all receive a heredity of genes and capabilities; Jesus also appears in our lives;

 More soon